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AR Body Brush

body brush node

The AR Body Brush node controls the way the Body Brush object functions.


NameData TypeDescription
SizeNumberDetermines the size of the entire mesh
IntervalNumberDetermines the spacing between
Enable BloomBooleanEnables the bloom property
Draw ModeStringControls the draw mode:
  • Single Color: Enables a single color to display
  • Rainbow Brush: Enables a rainbox of colors to display
  • Custom Texture: Enables a custom texture with brush texture as a property
Brush ColorColorThe HEX color of the brush displayed on the screen
TextureTexture2DThe texture of the brush component.
CameraComponentDetermines which camera object is used
Start MeshMeshAdds the starting mesh from the Assets panel to a scene object
Main MeshMeshAdds the main mesh from the Assets panel to a scene object
End MeshMeshAdds the ending mesh from the Assets panel to a scene object